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Valley Equine is excited to announce that Metallic Rey Mink, the 2019 NCHA Open Futurity Champion, will stand at our stallion facility for the 2025 breeding season.

This 2016 red roan stallion (Metallic Cat – Dual Rey Mink, by Dual Rey) is proudly owned by Los Jaboncillos Ranch and boasts an impressive career with earnings of $205,224. Known for his impeccable natural cow sense and cutting style, this stallion is set to make a remarkable impact on the future of the industry. “Metallic Rey Mink was a natural cow horse,” says EquiStat $10 Million Rider, Austin Shepard. “He was not only a great athlete, but he was as smart about a cow as any horse I have ever seen.” 

As the stallion makes his transition to Valley Equine, excitement builds as his offspring will now be eligible for the Valley Equine Super Stallion Incentive starting at the 2025 futurities. “We are incredibly grateful for the dedication and guidance of 6666 Ranch during his time there,” says Linda Bull. “We are excited and look forward his future atValley Equine.”

The first foals of Metallic Rey Mink are 2-year-olds in 2024, and early reports show great promise, with many exhibiting the same grit, intelligence, and natural ability that made their sire a champion. “The Metallic Rey Mink colts have been a pleasure to start,” says Chet Simoneaux, “they’re mature-minded and strong to the ground. I’m excited to see where they go from here—they’ve got the kind of mind and cowiness that makes my job easier every day.” 

His progeny is expected to excel across a variety of disciplines, including cutting, cowhorse events, and roping, as evidenced by his foals eligibility in programs such as theBreeders Invitational, National Cutting Horse Association Super Stakes, National Reined Cow Horse Association Cow Horse Incentive, PCCHA Stakes, and Royal Crown Roping.

“We are thrilled to have Metallic Rey Mink join us here at Valley Equine,” said Jeremy Barwick. “His oldest foals are already showing great promises, I have a lot of good feedback from trainers out there and we look forward to being part of his journey as a sire.”

Valley Equine is excited to provide breeders with access to this proven champion. We believe Metallic Rey Mink will help shape the future of cutting, cow horse, and roping events for generations to come.

For more information or breeding inquiries, please contact us.